
B2B Keyword Research

SEO isn’t rocket science. But keyword research and other SEO practices are complicated. So instead, think of search engine optimization as a policy Google uses to get you to provide helpful and authentic content. But it’s not as easy as taking the first seed keywords you see on a keyword tool. Unless you’re an established brand, algorithms only favor content that helps an audience solve a specific – this is called search intent. Keyword research is the discovery of relevant keywords for your prospect’s search intent at different stages of the buyer......

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How To Host a Website: Your Ultimate Guide In 2024

What Is Actually “Hosting” a Website? In a nutshell, hosting a website simply means uploading and storing the files related to your website on a server. A server, on the other hand, is a dedicated computer (or can be just a program within a computer, or another device) that is tasked with storing and managing resources. The server is a centralized resource—in this case— for the website. This process allows other people—from all around the globe— to “pull’ the necessary resources from this server and view your website. The server’s main task......

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Top 5 Ahrefs Alternatives in 2024

In the world of SEO, Ahrefs is certainly one of the most prominent tools used by many SEO marketers—veterans and beginners alike. However, Ahrefs is certainly not a perfect tool for everyone: some might think it’s too expensive and are looking for cheaper/free Ahrefs alternatives, some others might want different features and benefits. Here, we will discuss five of the best alternatives to Ahrefs available, but before we begin, let us discuss the benchmark: Ahrefs itself. A Brief Overview on Ahrefs Ahrefs is one of the most popular SEO tools/software available today.......

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Top 5 Best Hootsuite Alternatives in 2024

Social media marketing nowadays is getting more complicated than ever due to the saturation and diversity. Saturation, because the market is now so saturated with so many prominent experts and influencers, and so it’s harder to get our voice heard amidst all the noise. Diversity, because nowadays we can no longer focus on just one social media platform, as each major platform from Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter among others has their own benefits. The solution? Personalization, automation, and scheduling management, and these are where a social media management tool like Hootsuite......

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One of the most important aspects of digital marketing is lead generation. On the other hand, it is also often the most challenging aspect. Attracting visitors to your website can be time—and resource—consuming. And, probably the most challenging thing is the fact that along with how consumers evolve, so do we need to constantly change our approaches and tactics. This is why many businesses choose to work with lead generation companies, which can help in filling in the requirement of expertise, time, and resources. Yet, choosing the right one to work with......

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For most B2B businesses, lead generation is often the most challenging aspect, and yet also the most important factor in driving growth. The more leads we can generate, the more we can expect conversions, and thus the more we can expect growth. However, in this competitive marketplace, B2B lead generation has never been this difficult. We face numerous challenges from the difficulty in qualifying leads to creating high-quality content consistently to monitoring the performance of your lead sources, among others. That is why, to start this 2024, we will need to update......

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Top 5 Content Marketing Tools in 2024

Content marketing is certainly one of the most effective marketing channels available today, but on the other hand, it’s also a very competitive field with virtually every business today is publishing their content. So, it’s important to get as many advantages as you can to stay ahead of the competition, and fortunately nowadays there are many marketing tools designed for content marketing that can help you in various areas. Here, we will discuss five of the best content marketing tools available. Each has their own specific feature set, and will cater to......

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Marketing Strategies For Gyms That Will Supercharge Your 2024

Are fitness purchasers getting away from at-home fitness and back to physical fitness studios? As the impacts of the pandemic subside and the interest in at-home fitness evaporates, another dash for unheard-of wealth is in the swing for fitness studios viewing for shoppers burnt out on working out in their front lounge room. Ongoing months have seen a large group of reductions reported by digital and at-home fitness organizations that are starting to slow down because of the financial slump and the longing of the market to get back to an in-studio......

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The world of sales and marketing is getting more complicated than ever. The lines between the two are now (very) blurred, and with all the available channels, new tactics, and the increasing number of personnel, the need to streamline all these marketing and sales processes in one single app/solution is now more important than ever. This is where HubSpot gained its popularity as a platform that simplifies and takes care of the whole business process in one single dashboard. More About HubSpot Let us first discuss HubSpot as the benchmark in this......

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Top 7 Shopify Alternatives 2024

A Brief Overview on Shopify Shopify—as the benchmark of this list— is built in one goal in mind: providing users with a solution to build a working online store quickly, even when the user has no programming knowledge. So, the main highlight of Shopify is its ease of use even for complete beginners, with various templates to choose from for both branding and functional purposes.  Although we’ve stated that you don’t need any technical knowledge to build a store with Shopify, having HTML and CSS proficiency will allow you to have more......

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