There’s no secret that the digital marketing world is now a very complex one involving all the different platforms, different marketing methods, and virtually endless possibilities. Thankfully, with the rise of complexity and saturation, also comes more digital marketing tools that can help ease the burden. However, with so many different online marketing tools available, it’s sometimes hard to know where to start. This is why in this opportunity, we have compiled 25 of the best options used by marketing consultants on a daily basis. We will divide these tools into categories,......
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The world of sales and marketing is getting more complicated than ever. The lines between the two are now (very) blurred, and with all the available channels, new tactics, and the increasing number of personnel, the need to streamline all these marketing and sales processes in one single app/solution is now more important than ever. This is where HubSpot gained its popularity as a platform that simplifies and takes care of the whole business process in one single dashboard. More About HubSpot Let us first discuss HubSpot as the benchmark in this......
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Nowadays, there are various email marketing software available with various price ranges—a lot of them are free—. However, not all of them can make the cut as “enterprise-grade” to cater to the needs of enterprise email marketing. In this guide, we will help you determine the best enterprise-grade email marketing solutions that can fit your organization’s current needs—and available budgets. First, however, let us discuss one of the most frequently asked questions: What Qualifies An Enterprise Email Marketing Solutions From Ordinary Ones? Before we begin our discussion for the best enterprise......
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We are all aware of the impact that artificial intelligence is bound to have on many aspects of our daily lives. It will also be something in which businesses will invest heavily, so it is sure to bring about a profound change in almost every industry. The digital marketing realm is no exception to this. With this in mind, it’s important to know the arena that you’re going to compete in if you’re going to have a chance to stand out from the competition. This is even considering the fact that modern-day......
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Having a business with exponential growth and automated marketing is the dream of most marketers, entrepreneurs, and businessmen. Fortunately, in this era of e-commerce, marketing automation tools and social media, this dream is actually possible. The secret? the recurring revenue model. In this guide, we will share the blueprint of developing a recurring revenue model where you can automate your marketing. Let us begin by discussing the benefits of the recurring revenue business model. The Advantages of Recurring Revenue Business Model In the past decade or so, one of the most......
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