
Local SEO Checklist: Optimizing Your Google My Business Account

While there have been so many changes in Google’s search algorithm in almost two decades, one thing is consistent: Google is aiming to deliver more personalizations for the searchers, and hyper-localization is a huge part of that mission. One of the key changes in this regards, is the inclusion of Google Maps results for local-related search queries. Pair this with the fact that more and more people are now using their mobile devices to make a search, a huge part of them using “near me” search queries to find local businesses near......

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How to Improve Your Local SEO and Rank on the First Page of Google

There are more than 3.5 billion searches on Google every single day. Nowadays, a majority of them are made on mobile devices, often via the voice assistant. With this phenomenon, more and more people are using “near me” queries to find local businesses. This doesn’t only include queries like “restaurants near me” or “bookstores near me”, but will extend to queries like “where can I buy flowers near me”. For local businesses, optimizing your presence online to target these queries will bring significant impact to conversion rate—and thus, revenue—. These optimizations come......

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Marketing Funnel For Mobile Apps: What You Need To Know

Many, if not all, traditional marketers are familiar with the concept of the marketing or sales funnel. It’s a model that was originally developed in 1898 by Elias St. Elmo, and it breaks down the various stages of a customer’s journey with a particular product or company. There are four stages that make up the traditional funnel: awareness, interest, desire and action. While these have evolved over time to reflect modern markets, these stages are still considered the rule of thumb. But as marketing efforts have shifted to focus on digital and......

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6 Reasons You Shouldn't Do Your Own Website Design

Weebly, WordPress, WordPress alternatives and website builders make designing your own website look super simple. You just follow the instructions, add images, write content, and you are good to go. So, this means that there’s a great value to design own website, right? Not really. Taking the DIY route with website design vs. hiring a professional is an apples and oranges comparison. Think of it as the difference between cooking at home vs. dining out at a Michelin 3-star restaurant. There are some benefits to designing your own website, including the fact that it’s easier......

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How to Be Successful in Marketing for Enterprise Companies

Very often, small companies cannot compete with big companies when it comes to people power and resources. A big company can get financial backing and can ramp up hiring pretty quickly to get behind a bigger effort that’s going to end up helping them build their business. This is especially true when it comes to marketing. But even if resources and people differ, big companies may also not understand how to refocus their efforts when it comes to marketing. That means that the two sizes of businesses can use insights from each......

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9 Indicators That Your Business Is Ready For SEO

The business arena is fast-paced. Regardless of the products you’re selling or the services you’re offering, you have to be innovative all the time. You have to assess what are the current market trends, what does your target audience want and how your competitors are working. On top of these, you have to continually check your internal processes to ensure that quality is never compromised. Accomplishing all of these tasks can be overwhelming especially for startups, but fortunately, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can make things easier for you. This is one of......

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Top 3 Tested Content Marketing Tips to Grow Small Business

Twenty years ago, a small firm wasn’t able to compete with big companies and multinational corporations. But today, rules of doing business are totally different because of the internet. Organization of any size has a chance to attract the attention of a huge audience with the help of a well-designed website, social media and email marketing. If you want to grow your small business, you also have a great chance to succeed. Invest your time and energy in content marketing strategy implementation and you will be amazed by the results. Check the......

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Why Does SEO Need So Much Content & Why Does SEO Take So Long

Technically speaking, content advertising and search engine optimization (SEO) are two different phenomena; yet, they go hand in hand. At their very best, SEO and content form a bond that project websites to the top of the search engine rankings. However, this is only when the content and SEO are at their best, says Kevin Touchard, SEO Consultant at A Plus Digital. He says poor SEO and content can cause Google fines/penalties that are somewhat impossible to recover from. ‘Content’ Explained? Well, there is no exact definition of content, says Kevin. But......

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7 Things You Might Not Know About Accelerated Mobile Pages and How They Improve SEO

Doing SEO correctly for mobile is one of the most important things to focus on in business this year and into the coming years. If you’ve paid attention to mobile SEO recently, perhaps you’ve missed one recent development: Accelerated Mobile Pages. Otherwise known as AMP, this is an open-source initiative made to improve performance of content marketing and ads viewed on mobile devices. It’s another digital gift backed by Google (and Twitter) to help people like you improve your website load times on smartphones and tablets. Statistics show AMP increases web page......

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Six Practical Ways to Make Your B2B Marketing More Personalized

The B2B world was once known as being somewhat buttoned down in their approach to marketing. You may remember back to those days, simply because you sold industrial products to other businesses. While it may seem you sell B2B products that look alike or overly scientific in nature, it doesn’t mean you can’t differentiate yourself from competitors. Working with the right B2B marketing consultants will help you stand out and personalize your efforts toward your customers. If you can treat your buyers like a good friend, you’ll do more toward making the B2B industry......

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