
7 Things You Might Not Know About Accelerated Mobile Pages and How They Improve SEO

Doing SEO correctly for mobile is one of the most important things to focus on in business this year and into the coming years. If you’ve paid attention to mobile SEO recently, perhaps you’ve missed one recent development: Accelerated Mobile Pages. Otherwise known as AMP, this is an open-source initiative made to improve performance of content marketing and ads viewed on mobile devices. It’s another digital gift backed by Google (and Twitter) to help people like you improve your website load times on smartphones and tablets. Statistics show AMP increases web page......

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Mobile Devices: The Two Words You Can Never Forget In Your Online Strategy

Mobile devices; it’s probably two of the most used words. Smartphones have become almost an extensions of ourselves. Everything we do is already through mobile and forgetting this in your online marketing strategy can take you make you fail with your online presence. But why are they so important? The answer is simple. Almost half of the traffic your page receives comes from mobile devices. I say almost half because it depends on your sector and your target audience. Many sites have more 50% of the traffic that coming from mobile phones.......

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How Print Marketing Can Win You More Business

‘Experts’ may suggest that the only way forward when it comes to marketing your business is to get online and dominate your corner of the web. Offline marketing, they say, the flyers, the adverts in magazines and newspaper, the business cards, self-adhesive vinyl prints, roller banners and all that kind of stuff, is long gone. But these ‘defunct’ marketing tools still back a punch. If not, why has spending on offline marketing seemingly stayed the same over the last three years? Ignoring offline marketing is to ignore a whole raft of opportunities......

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How to Optimize Your Mobile Marketing

Today’s online shoppers rely more and more on their smartphones for everyday tasks. From searching for a topic to consuming video content, users are always in reach of their device. It’s not just an increase in screen time – it’s estimated that mobile devices will contribute to 27% of all U.S. e-commerce sales by the end of 2018. This means that if your company doesn’t have mobile in your marketing strategy, you are already behind. Because consumers are taking their activities on the go, they expect their online experience to be tailored......

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Local SEO Ranking Factors to Help Your Business Rank on Google

We all know how local SEO is a whole different game, compared to general SEO strategies. However, the basic principles behind the two remain similar. Unsurprisingly, the biggest question behind the two strategies is also similar: what are the factors, or signals that will determine the SEO ranking? So, this guide will attempt to answer that question, specific to local SEO strategy. As with general SEO, there are hundreds of factors that will affect your local SEO ranking. However, the principle remains the same: it’s not about doing every single thing right, but......

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Local SEO Tactics and Strategies to Increase Traffic and Rankings

You may still bristle when hearing the acronym SEO, despite using the process in different ways for years in your online marketing. Yet, how many years have you focused your SEO on reaching leads nationally or internationally? While it’s always important to bring a worldwide presence on places like Google, this becomes less important if you want more in-store visitations. Focusing on local SEO is the solution you need to find valuable customers in your local area. Once found by prospective clients in your home city, you could find enough loyal customers......

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How to Create a Successful SEO Strategy to Outrank Your Competitors

It seems businesses have had numerous perceptions about SEO over the years that waver between positive and negative. Those of you who remember the days when Black Hat SEO became a problem in the industry, your impression of SEO might be one of trouble. Or, if you understand the effectiveness of White Hat SEO, you may think it’s too complex to take on at the moment. While it’s important to adhere to White Hat SEO principles, your perceptions of SEO may also be one of cramming keywords into your content. Thinking of......

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SEO & Ecommerce: The Ranking Factors That Even An SEO Sceptic Needs To Know

Does the thought of ‘doing SEO’ leave you cold? Not sure if it’s really relevant to your business?  Well — how does having more customers sound like to you?  A report into the importance of SEO found that the top site for a search had an average click-through rate (CTR) of 36.4%, with the second and third sites achieving a CTR of 12.5% and 9.5% respectively. While you might be skeptical about the importance of SEO to your ecommerce site, it’s unlikely you’ll be skeptical about the benefits of more customers clicking......

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Bringing More Local to Local SEO: 7 Further Steps to Your Business Being Found

As someone who’s finally delved into working with local SEO of late, how successful have you been at it? If going about it on your own, you’re perhaps missing a few steps that could still hurt your search results. No matter how much you think you know about local SEO, you’ll always find more to learn. It’s why you should always work with an expert when using local SEO. They’ll show you more of what’s possible so you don’t overlook anything. What you’ll discover is that there’s a lot more local in......

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In House SEO Vs SEO Agency Vs Freelancer Expert

You’ve learned the principles of SEO and its benefits (link to the previous article if necessary), and now you’ve made up your mind about investing in SEO. However, now comes the next question: how should you manage your SEO efforts? As we have understood, SEO is a long-term process that requires consistency. So, there are generally three approaches to managing your SEO: building your own in-house SEO team, working with an SEO company or hiring an SEO expert freelancer (or a team of freelancers) to do the job. In this article, we will have......

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