
6 Steps to a Complete Marketing Strategy for SaaS Companies

You may think that SaaS marketing is all dry and business-like, a mirror image of old-school corporate B2B marketing. But stiff suits, trade shows, boring websites, and horrendous industry trade magazines have no place in the young and thriving SaaS sector. In fact, SaaS marketing strategy looks a lot like what you’d see for a B2C company: engaging, customer-focused, and data-driven. Here are six steps to creating a modern, effective marketing strategy for your SaaS business. Building 7-Figure Companies With SEO Learn how founders, CEOs, execs and thought leaders use SEO and Content Marketing to......

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Without a proper marketing plan, it is arguably impossible to achieve optimal growth for any businesses, much less for B2B businesses where the size of the market is fairly small yet the competition is high. With that being said, this guide will discuss the necessary steps required to develop a B2B marketing plan: from figuring out the right channels to measuring their effectiveness. Let us begin.   Defining Your Goals Every plan is, in essence, made to accomplish a certain goal or goals. So, if your goal is not totally clear, not......

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Innovative Hotel Marketing Strategies for the Post-Pandemic Era

Dear Hoteliers, remember those ghost-town lobbies and the revenue drop during the pandemic? Times were tough, but the world is gearing up to travel again. However, it’s not business as usual. The rules of the game have changed and it’s time for your strategy to change too. Let’s explore innovative hotel marketing strategies for this new era. Strategies to refill those rooms and get the cash flowing again. Ready to turn things around? Let’s dive in!   1. Social Media Savvy Do you recall folks endlessly scrolling through Instagram, longing for beach......

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7 Effective Digital Marketing Strategies for Software Companies

As the internet evolves, digital marketing is becoming increasingly complex. More than 80% of people use the internet to find products and services before making an actual purchase. Whether you have a string of successful programs under your belt, or you’re steering the ship on a promising new software company, choosing the right online marketing strategy for your company is going to be crucial over the coming years.   Building 7-Figure Companies With SEO Learn how founders, CEOs, execs and thought leaders use SEO and Content Marketing to grow B2B, SaaS, technology and startup companies......

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How to Create a B2B Digital Marketing Strategy that Drives Sales and Revenue

With more and more people are actively using the internet nowadays (and how the number is still increasing), it’s fairly obvious that we should focus our marketing efforts online so we can effectively connect and engage with our target audience. The B2B environment has also evolved to be mostly online, and this is where B2B digital marketing comes in. Here, we will discuss all you need to know about B2B digital marketing: from its basic concept to inbound marketing to a discussion for all the different channels. By the end, you can......

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SEO vs. PPC - What's Right for Your Business?

There are certainly many ways to drive traffic to your website. However, it is no secret that there are two biggest channels: SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising. Thus, the big debate of SEO vs PPC is always a hot topic. Some businesses are better off focusing on SEO strategies instead of relying on PPC. Some others will get more results with PPC, especially when the keyword competition is really though. Some, however, can get the most on getting the best of both worlds. So, which one is the best......

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SEO Content Marketing Strategy to Drive Leads and Sales

The center of SEO is good content. You can implement all the advanced optimizations and even  ‘buy’ the highest-quality backlinks out there. But, if your content is low-quality, you won’t get far with your SEO. On the other hand, SEO is also very important for content marketing. Ranking on the first page—or better, top 3 spot—of Google SERP remains one of the most reliable organic traffic sources for your content. In short, content marketing and SEO are inseparable, and it’s best to plan the two together as an integrated strategy to get......

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The Value of a Fractional CMO and When Do You Need One

In today’s trend of bootstrapping, it’s actually common for companies to run without a marketing leader or even without any marketing team at all. However, as the company grows, it would only make sense to add marketing leadership to improve your business’s marketing performance in achieving its marketing objectives. Yet, probably you are not ready to add a full-time marketing leader just yet: you might not have the budget to hire one, or you may feel that there isn’t enough leadership task to justify the cost. In this case, a fractional CMO......

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White Hat Link Building Strategies To Grow Your Rankings and Traffic

Getting backlinks has been and still is one of the most important ranking factors in determining a website’s ranking on the SERP (search engine results page). Thus, link building is still one of the most important tactics in SEO and should be the core focus of a high-performing B2B SEO strategy. However, link building can be easier said than done and can involve several different skillsets from content creation to relationship building to sales and general marketing knowledge. That is why in this guide, we will discuss all you need to know......

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Should You Hire SEO consultant, SEO Agency or In-house SEO

SEO as a marketing channel is fairly unique compared to other channels like advertising or PR campaigns: SEO is mainly done in your own medium, so there isn’t any publishing cost associated with it. Compare it to, say, advertising, where you need to pay a certain fee to the ad publisher (i.e. Google Ads or Facebook Ads). With that being said, SEO can be 100% free if you are willing to do everything by yourself—and if you have the time—. This is simply not possible with most other marketing channels (again, for......

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