SEO Factors Affecting The Ranking Of Your Website

SEO Factors Affecting The Ranking Of Your Website

Today the internet is the number one source of information. All around the world, people rely on the global network to get information of all kinds. This is done majorly through search engines. Search engines such as Google and Baidu are two of the most visited websites on the internet.

Google holds the most significant share of the search engine market. It is followed by Baidu which is the first licensed search engine based in China. Baidu is responsible for about 12.85% of all desktop searches and 4.57% of mobile searches. Bing is another search engine that is prevalent among search engine users. Other search engines including Yandex, Yahoo and others hold smaller parts of the market share.

Since search engines are the goto place for a lot of people today and the bulk of the traffic websites get comes through search queries. Therefore, making your website visible and high-ranking on these search engines can increase the traffic considerably.

This process of affecting the visibility and associated ranking of your website is referred to as Search Engine Optimization. There is a myriad of factors that affect the search engine ranking of a website. According to, the most important ones include: page speed, content quality, bounce rate, backline profile, SSL security, LSI keywords, and CTR images

On average, websites with higher informative content always rank high on Google. A top listed website must be also fast. Top-ranked sites are usually equipped with an average speed of 1900 ms. They also have a bounce rate that is 8.7% lower than that of ordinary websites.

To learn more about the factors that determine whether your website ranks high for relevant keywords in search engine result pages, check out the infographic below:

SEO Factors Affecting The Ranking Of Your Website


I'm a growth marketing consultant who helps B2B, SaaS, IT, technology and software companies generate more leads, sales and grow revenue online. I offer expert advice on marketing your company the right way through performance-based SEO, digital marketing, social media, search engine marketing and many other online practices. Connect with me on LinkedIn and schedule a free marketing strategy session!