Tag: seo strategy

The Step-By-Step Guide to SEO for Startups

Building a startup company is both fun and challenging activity. There are definitely a lot of things to focus on when building a startup, from developing your products to planning a killer marketing strategy to kickstart your sales. Yet, more often than not, startups don’t recognize SEO as an important part of their early marketing strategy. There are many reasons for this: SEO is a long-term game, SEO is difficult to apply or simply not believe that SEO is a valid strategy in 2024. SEO can be a really effective way to......

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Many companies are deeply related to the online environment and the digital economy. Thus, making sure the target audience can find the company online is often the most important factor in determining the company’s success. SEO, on the other hand, is one of the most effective channels in generating organic traffic and building online awareness, making it a very important aspect of a company’s digital marketing strategy. In this guide, we will learn about how we can use SEO strategy to improve organic traffic, generate leads, and ultimately, drive revenue. But first, let......

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Seven Questions You Might Have About SEO in 2024

Search engine optimization might still mystify you, even if you’ve managed to learn all the basics to help your business. While you’ve maybe found some success with the process recently, what happens when you want to move to a more advanced level? You shouldn’t fret, because every business that works with SEO is bound to have questions sooner or later. What kind of questions do you have about some of the most confusing aspects? Take a look at some of the most common asked SEO questions we’re seeing this year. All have......

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SEO Strategy and the Best Practices For Software Companies in 2024

Is SEO for software companies dead? On the contrary, SEO is alive and well, and more important than ever with all the changes that happened on Google and other search engines. It’s true, however, that SEO strategy for many software companies has changed dramatically since the early days of the internet and Google. With that being said, the strategy you’ve done in 2016 might not work in 2024 and onwards. Here, we will show you an effective SEO strategy for your software company in 2024, after considering all the recent changes in......

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SEO for SaaS: How to Create an Effective SaaS SEO Strategy In 2024

SaaS SEO is the process of optimizing a Software as a Service company’s website and online presence to improve its visibility and attract relevant organic traffic. SaaS SEO differs from traditional SEO in that it targets different stages of the customer funnel that are unique to SaaS companies. This includes targeting keywords and focusing on content that correspond with potential customers’ awareness, consideration, and decision stages as they choose and use a SaaS product. SaaS SEO, in contrast to traditional SEO, also focuses on optimizing pricing pages, free trials, demo sign-ups, and......

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How To Grow Your Website Traffic with SEO

Here’s the catch: it’s only natural that it’s now harder than ever to get website traffic. More websites and blogs are being published every single day, people spend more time on social media and Youtube than going to websites, and Google with its featured snippets and infrastructure tend to hoard traffic to its own platforms. On the other hand, website traffic is very important. We can’t convert visitors and prospects unless we actually have a steady—or preferably, growing—website traffic to convert. Too often, we put too much emphasis on maximizing the conversion......

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Basic SEO Guide: On and Off-site SEO checklist

With 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine, and the fact that there are over 3.5 billion Google searches every day, we can’t neglect the importance of SEO as a digital marketing strategy. Yet, SEO is a very complex process with a lot of misconceptions. So, just simply getting started might be a daunting task for many business practitioners and digital marketers. So, In this guide, we will cover a step-by-step guide on SEO. Not only to clear the confusion but to actually help you get started planning and executing......

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How to Develop an Enterprise SEO Strategy to Drive Leads and Revenue

How should we plan an enterprise SEO strategy? SEO as a marketing channel consists of many different tactics and activities, and on the other hand, it is a very flexible channel where different businesses might require different strategic implementations. Thus, planning an SEO strategy for an enterprise company can be easier said than done, as we’ll need to consider many different variables to plan many different elements. With that being said, in this guide, we will discuss a step-by-step guide in planning an SEO strategy, and by the end of this guide,......

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Why SEO Competitive Analysis is Necessary SEO, by nature, is a competition where you try to outrank other sites. This is why an initial competitive analysis is an essential part of any SEO implementation. When done correctly, you can get valuable insights into how your competitors are approaching their SEO strategy, which can generate various benefits such as: Get inspirations and ideas on how to build better content, which backlinks you should pursue and how, and which keywords that can be good opportunities, among other aspects Figure out your competitors’ strengths and......

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SEO audit is the best, most effective way to assess the performance of your SEO strategy, and especially to figure out the reasons why you are not getting good SEO results. SEO audit should be performed before you attempt any SEO efforts, especially if you are an SEO agency handling a new client’s website. To achieve the best results, however, you should do SEO audit regularly. In this guide, we will share 9 important steps you should do when performing an SEO audit, covering the most important aspects of SEO activities. Before......

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