2024 may have been the year that startup companies finally began to embrace digitization but so far, real changes—the kind that results in growth— have yet to take effect. The problem is simple: the kind of transformation most companies have so far been able to bring about is only the first step. It’s merely paving the way for growth. The exciting news is now that lots of software and startup companies have made initial efforts to modernize their infrastructures, they’re poised for real growth. If that’s you — if you’ve recently adopted cloud-based......
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Startup companies need increased visibility for them to make it big in today’s competitive market environment. One of the amazing and proven ways of creating significant online presence is having a business website. Forbes affirms that through a website, startup companies are able to connect and communicate with their target audiences efficiently. Given the high level of significance that websites have for new businesses, IT managers and directors have a huge role in setting things up for quality results. Certainly, they have to get the ball rolling when it comes to connecting......
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